Rajarambapu Sahakari Bank Ltd.

Insurance for your principal and interest

Come be an insured depositor for both your principal and interest held at Rajarambapu Bank.
Deposit Insurance premium is borne entirely by the Bank!


Would you like to be insured on your deposits?


Rajarambapu Bank is a member of Deposit Insurance  &  Credit Guarantee Corporation. The
purpose of DICGC is to provide for the establishment of a Corporation for the purpose of
insurance of deposits and guaranteeing of credit facilities and for other connected matters.
This scheme is helpful for attaining insurance on different aspects of deposits like deposits from,
central and state governments, inter-bank deposits, etc.


 Each depositor in the bank is insured up to a maximum of Rs.5,00,000/- (Rupees Five
Lakhs) for both principal and interest amount held by him.
 Deposit insurance premium is borne entirely by the bank.